I am totally taking this idea from my good friend Monica. I don't think she'll mind if I share it with the world. She says she can only get done three of the four things she needs to get done each day. The four things are (in no particular order):
clean the house (yes, I know the kids should be helping with this, but they need direction and help)
, school with the kids (this includes music practice and reading together)
, cook good meals (more than canned chili and peanut butter and jelly
, and do projects (grocery shopping counts as a project).
So four things, but only three make the cut every day. I find if I look at it this way I am very pleased with my accomplishments each day. Wow! The house is a disaster area, but we got all our school stuff done , and did Liberty Girls (club for the girls) and ate two good meals today! Hooray for us! OR-- Hmm, we ate cereal for two of the three meals and picked up Little Ceasars for dinner, BUT we finished our read-a-loud, and did our morning chores, and hit Costco! WE WIN! See, this is a much happier way to look at things.
It's not possible to get it all done so let us just celebrate what we do get done.
Easier said than done! But it is good to think about it and maybe I'll remember the next time I am feeling discouraged. I remind myself that Heavenly Father does not want us to be sad. He wants us to be happy. Here is my favorite quote from this past General Conference from Thomas S. Monson. "Never forget let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved". For me this means not to be so concerned with getting things done that I am unkind to "my people".
So we are doing well. Just trucking along. Our week is busiest Monday-Wednesday and then things calm down. Cannon continues to torment my nights. My kids enjoy being rewarded with titles. Titles such as, "Fussiest baby", "hairiest baby", "snuggliest baby", "grouchiest baby", "loudest baby". Yeah, I know, I'm totally labeling my children, but they seem to enjoy this. (don't worry, nobody gets all the negative titles) So Cannon is officially titled, "WORST SLEEPER by a lot!" Sometimes I let him fuss a bit, but he is just so dang CUTE that if I make eye contact I lose the stand off!
Okay, well, this post is mostly my mommy ramblings. If anyone is interested Bethany and Elinor will be dancing at 2:00 this Saturday at the South Towne Expo center. Also on December 5th at 5:30 same place.