Monday, November 1, 2010

Cheaper By the Three-Quarter Dozen

We always have a busy, active household, but we stretched our limits even further today.  We watched my sister's kiddos for most of the day.  There was surprisingly little crying considering we have 9 children total and 6 of them were under the age of 5. 
There's a fine line between brave and crazy--- you be the judge.
We had three sets of "twins".
#1-  Faith and Takara are actually a little over a year apart, but they love to play together.  
#2- Double trouble with Cannon and Brigham.  They are about 8 months apart.  They tolerated one another and both really wanted that there firetruck.  The firetruck ended up in time-out.
#3- George and Emi.  These little cuties are 1 day apart.  This wasn't nearly as difficult as I'd anticipated, mainly because Emi just sat there.  I thought George was a pretty mellow baby, but he is downright colicky compared to his sweet little cousin.  She was SO EASY!!!!  If she peeped at all I would feed her her bottle, or wrap her up and lay her down to go to sleep.  WHAT?  Little babies will just go to sleep if you lay them down?  Why didn't anyone tell me this?  I tried it with George today.  Didn't work.
But he's so cute I didn't even care.
Brigham loves big cousin Clark.  And Clark like having little cousins "worship" him.  It took my sister several years to get her babies, so I am SO happy for her to have such a quiver full.

This is a story about a poor man who thought his house was too crowded, so he went to get advice on what to do about it from his Rabbi.  He repeatedly went back for more advice and the rabbi always told him to bring more farm animals into his house.  Obviously the house got more and more crowded.  Finally the man went back and said he COULD NOT take it anymore.  On each subsequent visit the rabbi told him to take more and more animals back out.  Eventually, the man's house felt very spacious to him with just his family in it. 

My house seemed very quiet after half of the twins left. 

1 comment:

Inspiration Station said...

Oh, Betsy. I definitely needed to be reminded of that story. We had Greg's brothers kids for 4 days with a total of 9 in our house and yes, when they left, I realized my 4 weren't so bad. Thanks.