Wednesday, November 23, 2011


In anticipation of Thanksgiving Day tomorrow here is my list of 100 things (in no particular order) I am thankful for.

1.  My husband- Abraham 
2.  My children--Clark, Bethany, Elinor, Tessa, Faith, Cannon, George
3.  Jesus Christ
4.  Good friends for my children
5.  My piano students
6.  Good books to read
7.  Good health for my family and me
8.  Functioning cars
9.  Freedom to home school my children
10.  Clean sheets
11.  Lots of new socks for all my people
12.  Christmas lights
13.  Christmas music
14.  Netflix
15.  My red chair
16.  Time to exercise in the morning
17.  Scriptures
18.  A wonderful ward family
19.  Loving, forgiving in-laws
20.  My sister
21.  Pumpkin pie
22.  Book club friends
23.  Foot rubs from Abe
24.  My piano
25.  Kisses from Georgie
26.  Aunt Allison
27.  Grandma Barbara
28.  English period dramas
29.  My calling at church- Primary president
30.  A functioning washer and dryer
31.  Children who sleep through the night
32.  My furnace
33.  My water heater
34.  Friends from high school
35.  Friends from college
36.  Blogging
37.  Sister- in-laws to learn from
38.  Movie theater popcorn
39.  A very comfortable bed
40.  Rocky Mountain Chocolate's chocolate caramel apples
41.  Dates with Abe
42.  Weekly waste management services
43.  The right to vote
44.  The library
45.  Nice neighbors
46.  My cottonwood tree
47.  Changing seasons
48.  My crockpot
49.  Dove Dark Chocolate--even though I have cut back
50.  Cannon's curly hair
51.  No sign of braces in my children's future
52.  A house that comfortably suites my family
53.  A friend to walk with in the morning
54.  Mentors for my children
55.  Faith's ability to find anything in the house
56.  Listening to my children play music
57.  Math-U-See curriculum
58.  Make-up
59.  My computer
60.  Good hair genes
61.  Deals-to-Meals
62.  Deseret Industries
63.  Temples
64.  My mom
65.  Cannon has calmed down lately
66.  Elinor loving Tae Kwon Do
67.  My wheat grinder
68.  My Bosch mixer
69.  Vicks Vapo Rub
70.  Watching Faith do gymnastics
71.  Spending Thanksgiving with my sister's family
72.  Nice family pictures
73.  Showtunes Saturday Night on KOSY 106.5
75.  My closet has stayed clean for 3 months
76.  Toothpaste
77.  My Aunts and Uncles
78.  Holiday traditions
79.  Reading aloud to my children
80.  The prophet
81.  Bunk beds
82.  A handwritten cookbook from my mom
83.  The postal service
84.  Legos
85.  A family tradition of military service
86.  Watching Bethany dance ballet
87.  Contact lenses
88.  Abe's job
89.  Grandpa Cannon taking my kids fishing
90.  Book Club kids
91.  Primary songs
92.  Living in Utah
93.  My whole family is coming to Utah for Christmas
94.  My double oven
95.  My vacuum cleaner
96.  Aveeno lotion
97.  Hand-me-down clothes for my younger children
98.  A big kitchen table
99.  Pillows
100.  I get to go to bed now

Happy Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

Ali said...

I am thankful for you, Abe, and those seven amazing and beautiful little people ... man I am so lucky that our families met in California! Love you!