When I was growing up I don't remember doing outdoor easter egg hunts with real eggs or big candy filled plastic eggs. We always hunted indoors for small foil wrapped chocolate eggs. So, the tradition lives on for our family. The Easter Bunny hides A LOT of these little chocolate eggs. Clark and Bethany are suppose to look high and Faith and Elinor are to look low.
The Easter Bunny brought books this year. Here Abe is reading "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales". This book CRACKS me up. I particularly enjoy "The Really Ugly Duckling". Now, if any of you get this book upon my recommendation- I didn't say it was totally appropriate---- just really funny.
Here is Easter Sunday after church. We did try to take a picture before church, but there was serious lack of cooperation. That happens sometimes. Bethany got to sit up on the stand for the beginning of Sacrament Meeting and then was recognized as the newest baptized member of the ward. She also bore a very sweet testimony.
ACTION-PACKED!!!!! On Friday Clark tested for the next belt in Tae Kwon Do. His tests include form, kicking, verbal questions, and breaking technique. This is one of two breaking techniques for Sr. Red Belt. He passed his test and now has at least four months until he earns his Red/Black Belt and then another year until he can test for his Black Belt.
Elinor has lost her first tooth. Sadly, it was a somewhat traumatic experience. Her permanent tooth was growing in behind so we needed to hurry things along. She was so excited after Abe had finally "helped" her get it out.
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