Listen to this song. This is the Lego version because I couldn't put the real one up. Search YouTube for "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al.
This song hits a little too close to home. My home that is. We may be the whitest, nerdiest family in America. Exhibit A:
Exibit B:
We LOVE watching videos of the "Donny and Marie Show" from the late 70's.
Exhibit C: We (as in Abe and the kids) regularly play role playing games just for fun. Known in some circles as D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) although we play a watered down "Adventures" version.
Other evidence from the song: We do enjoyTrivial Pursuit. Clark does have a chess mentor. We do attend a 2-day renaissance event.
Yes, I'm afraid there is no denying the truth. We are WHITE AND NERDY!
How did this happen?
Home School, Baby!!!! Wait a minute, I loved all of these things before home school.
So what led to what, home schooling to nerdiness, or nerdiness to home schooling. Ahhh, these wonderful as-old-as-the-world-is questions......
Matt was just looking at this post with me and he said "It's Abe". Take how you would like. Love you guys....nerdy and all.
Yeah,'re exactly right; But I decided long ago to laugh at and love that "Nerdy" side of me. So thanks for the compliment!
--The fateful decision was made when I went from Elementary to Junior High public school.....where one year I was "cool", the next year I was a "nerd". I could either fight it (impossible), get bummed (not useful), or embrace it (and love life)--
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