On a warmish spring day Elinor became a street urchin for about an hour.
The girls in a mad dash down the stairs on "Easter morning". We do our Easter morning celebration on Saturday morning.
Elinor models the latest look in pipe cleaner fashions. Bethany was the designer and Elinor was her model. You will note the glasses with flower decorations, wings and a pouch for her wand. Note to the Easter Bunny: pipe cleaners are cheap and versatile.
Me: Is it fun to believe in the Easter Bunny?
Elinor: It's fun to believe in what is real.
Me (thinking): that is very deep. I can't keep up the charade against that kind of reasoning.
Me: What do you think?
Elinor: I think he's not real. I also think Santa isn't real, but the parents put stuff out.
Me: I whisper the truth and tell her she gets to help make it fun for the littler kids.
She took my advice to heart and went all out to make it fun for Faith. See the next picture.
Elinor's note to the Easter Bunny read: "Dear Easter Bunny, I love your candy that you give to us. Please eat the carrots and water."
The carrots were whole before the Bunny got to them.
The girls played a bit of Conference Bingo during General Conference. I am so happy for Cannon to have a brother close in age, but I hope my days of little girls aren't over after these sisters. I LOVE my girls!
That is SO cute! I miss the girls so much. Could you tell them hi for me please? :D
Love you guys!
Emmerdoodles the Second.
P.S. I LOVED Elinor's note to the Easter bunny. Super cute!
If you are "Emmerdoodles the Second"....who is "Emeerdoodles the First"?
I meant "Emmerdoodles the First"....but you know what I meant.
My sister and I are 8 years apart, I was always jealous of girls who had sisters close in age. I feel bad that Mikayla will never have that either:(, that's great that they are such good friends! You are brave with the Easter Bunny thing, I am holding onto that secret as long as I can:)!
My friend... But shes Micadoodles the First.
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