My little baby-- all grown up and headed off to boot camp.
Actually he's getting ready to test for his black belt in TaeKwonDo. The shaved head has nothing to do with TaeKwonDo, but one of the many requirements he needs to fulfill for testing is 70 sit-ups and 50 push-ups.
Abe is his trainer and every other day Clark is working SO HARD on his push ups. He's got his sit-ups ready, but 50 is a lot of push ups! Abe says he gets tired just watching Clark.
June 12th is the big day.
Bethany had her violin recital this evening. She played beautifully. I feel sad for the students who practice so hard, but then crack under the pressure of performance. Bethany is the opposite. She may have a crummy practice right before, but come recital time she does great. And in fact she did have a crummy practice today. After the recital she told me she was practicing badly on purpose because she was mad at me. Interesting approach on recital day.
I "purposefully" took this picture in front of a pile of laundry on my bed because I know you'll like me better if you see how I really live! You're welcome.
Let's be honest, nobody I'm closely related to is going to be a gymnast. It's not in the genes, but Elinor is trying her darndest to prove me wrong. Every time I turn around, Elinor is turning a cartwheel. She has a rule in her mind that all parental requests shall be answered with a cartwheel.
Example: "Elinor, please go do your math"
"Elinor come to the table for dinner"
My favorite was at her softball game yesterday. For the first time she played an infield position for a couple of innings as opposed to playing outfield. When you're in the outfield an occasional cartwheel is not very noticeable. But when you're closest to the batter, right next to the pitcher, a cartwheel is a bit more distracting. I had to go to the fence and yell, "ELINOR--NO CARTWHEELS!"
This evening Faith had a little neighbor friend come over to see if she could play. Abe told her no. Faith isn't known for her defiance, but she made an exception tonight. She sneaked out on her belly under a partially opened garage and went to her friend's house. IN HER SWIMSUIT!!!!! She wore four different swimsuits today, plus a dance leotard. It seemed harmless enough to wear a swimsuit all day. I didn't think she'd wander the streets in it.
I intended to sneak into Cannon's room tonight and snap a picture of a peaceful, sleeping toddler. As soon as I opened the door, he instantly woke up and greeted me thus. Oops. He was so happy to see me and just wanted a "mommy hug" before he peacefully returned to sleep.
But the idea was that he runs like a madman when he's awake, but he's a GREAT sleeper! He's sleeping through the night and taking 3-4 hour naps during the day. His bed is a happy place for him. I can understand how he feels. My bed is a happy place for me, too.
I missed something. I thought Cannon was your worst sleeper. Was that just as an infact or did you start spiking his sippy? Be honest. lol.
That's funny. I didn't know that Faith came here without permission. She was so cute, when I saw her she told me that she is wearing her swimsuit today because it's a nice day out!
Cannon was indeed my worst sleeper, BY FAR, as a baby. That is why I consider it such a blessing that he sleeps so great now. Because he is also my most active, energetic toddler. I need a little break each day!
I love the cartwheel story. You should let Elinor see "A League Of Their Own' (unless it's totally inappropriate for kids of course...I can't remember.
I do, however, remember the Geena Davis split move. Very cool. I would love to see a cartwheel catch. :)
Speaking of "A League of Their Own"....I have said to my girls before, "There's no crying in Softball....there's no crying in Softball".
It didn't stop the crying.
A black belt! Wow- good job Clark! I doubt there will be any gymnasts in my family either, since I honestly cannot touch my toes (when I'm not pregnant.) Yeay Elinor! Your kids are so darling and great. You guys look like you have lots of fun! :)
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