Clark has been a part of a Lego League Team for a couple of years. Last year they competed in the Idaho regional and state tournaments because Utah didn't host a competition. They did quite well. Utah did do an unofficial trial run last year with about 7 teams competing. Clark's team, Pi Pod, did win that, but it didn't really matter because it wasn't official.
But this year the University of Utah did host an official FIRST Lego League Championship with 56 teams competing, and Pi Pod won the Grand Champion award! This means they are headed to the Worlds Championship in St. Louis at the end of April!!!!!!!
It was a long day up at the University of Utah. The boys had to be there before 7 a.m. Fortunately, Clark caught a ride with a few other boys at that hour, but Abe and I and the rest of the gang arrived shortly after 8 a.m. The closing ceremony wasn't until 4:00, and we didn't actually get to watch them do several of their "events".
However, we had an enjoyable day hanging out in the student building with the families of the other boys. Over the past few years of these boys being involved in several clubs together, we have gotten to be quite good friends. The younger siblings had a blast running around together. Keeping track of Cannon was a bit of a trick, but no matter.
Throughout the day the boys were a bit disappointed with how their programmed robot had performed the tasks. They hoped their project portion had scored well, but I don't think they expected too much by way of awards.
As the awards ceremony progressed, they got more and more discouraged. Nothing. Nothing for robot design. Nothing for research project. Nothing for teamwork. It wasn't looking good. As parents, we were happy for the other teams, but sad that the boys were so disappointed.
It came time for the final two awards-- 1st and 2nd place for Overall Grand Champion.
The 2nd place team was announced. Abe put the video camera away. Oh well, it was a good experience anyway.
Then, "First place goes to. . . Pi POD!!!!!!"
Needless to say, boys and parents were EXTREMELY surprised!
The families all went out to celebrate afterward. The coaches of the team are remarkable. They have put in countless hours, making this possible for the boys. Yet, they have truly let the boys come up with the ideas and program and research. Thank you!!!!!