My family all thought (or so I thought they thought), that we were too lenient with him.
This was back when I had time and energy to take things personally and I felt really bad that perhaps she thought I was being a mean mother to her grandson.
For years I have struggled to not let the pendulum of discipline swing too far either direction. I've wanted to do the whole "Mary Poppins thing"-- you know gentle, but firm-- practically perfect in every way. Making sure the children feel loved and cherished, but also running a tight enough ship that we get things done and reach our potential.
Well, I'll tell you what. If my family thought we weren't strict enough with Clark, I can't imagine what they think of how we discipline Cannon. As in.... we don't discipline Cannon. Or at least, we don't do a very good job of it.
Abe's mom would be so proud of us.
We don't make him eat food if he doesn't want to.
We don't have regular bedtime.
We don't make him get dressed everyday.
His crimes against humanity (aka: his siblings) are wiped away with a "Sorry, Faife" or "Sorry Cark".
But SERIOUSLY! Look at what we're up against! Can you say C-H-A-R-M-I-N-G!!!!!!
After the "Sorry, Mom". He'll add in, "Me won't do that ever again!"
Melt my heart.
"Me wuv you".
Gadzooks! I can't stand it! You want a sucker? Go get one out of the treat basket.
You want to watch a movie? Which one do you want?
"Hold me, Mommy".
I give up.
I am with you. He is terribly darling and add the sweet two-year-old talking and you are in for it. Our little two year old is loved by EVERYONE. Even if she is put in her room to be disciplined, one of her siblings is bound to have pity and save her. Geesh.
Good luck! (:
Betsy, I just love reading your posts. You are SO funny!
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