Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mary Lennox Meets The Biggest Loser

The kids and I are reading aloud The Secret Garden.  I love this book, but I am not much of a gardener.  What am I saying?-- I'm not any kind of gardener, but when I read The Secret Garden, I want to be a gardener.  I feel hope that someday I could be a gardener and make something (other than children) grow.  At the very least I want to get outside in the fresh air and sunshine.  It makes me want to throw the school books out the window and tell the kids to go run wild all over the moor neighborhood.

Last night I watched an episode of "The Biggest Loser" while I folded 1,800 loads of laundry.  I am not a big fan of the show, so I don't know why I watched it, but I did.  I'm not a fitness crazed lady (obviously), but when I watch the show I want to buy a lifetime membership to the gym and spend 2 hours of every day there.  Okay, that it not true, but it does make me think I should do more.

Between The Secret Garden spring fever and "The Biggest Loser" exercise inspiration, I was DYING to get outside today and do something active.  All day I gazed out the window looking for my opportunity to do something.  I hadn't decided what, but it didn't matter because the day was filled with the usual business of life-- meals, school, diapers, nursing the baby, piano lessons, cleaning up, nap time, etc.

Finally this evening I decided that even though it wasn't convenient (it rarely is), I was just going to do it!  I took the little boys for a ride in the stroller on my roller blades.  After 20 minutes of George crying while I got the coats on, the stroller situated, the roller blades on-- we finally got going.  There must be an easier way!


Kelli said...

I saw you out there with your rollerblades and you looked great!

Baden said...

Wow, I am impressed that you even HAVE roller blades!

christini yogini said...

So nice to do something for yourself! I love The Secret Garden! You're awesome, Betsy.