Thursday, May 5, 2011


The big event of the day was...

NOTHING!  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!  It was glorious. 

No wait-- that is not true.  I did go to the library.

Rather than attending a world competition, touring a cave, climbing rocks, traveling across the country, visiting historic sites and staying in different hotels every night---
I cooked, cleaned, did laundry, unpacked, read a book, read to little ones, made jello with Faith, potty trained with Cannon, nursed a sicky-poo George, cut the little boys' hair, and helped with music practice.

And I couldn't be happier!!!!!

Well, I could be happier if I didn't have a bed full of laundry waiting to be folded. 
Look what awaited me at home.  My one bunch of tulips.   I love them, but I can't event take credit for my token tulips.  The bulbs were planted before we moved into this house.  I want more, but I never think about it until Spring when all the tulips bloom.  I need to remember to plant the bulbs in the fall.  My neighbor to the east of me has lots of GORGEOUS tulips.  I covet her tulips.  I should just plant my own tulip bulbs-- there can be enough tulips to go around.


Gabrielle Kim said...

Reading your list of "nothing to do" just made me exhausted. I would hate to see an actual "to do" list of yours!

Mothership said...

I know exactly what you mean. I have one day every week when we have NOTHING. It is always my most productive day because we never have to spend time getting ready to do something. No, you don't get to just lay around (who would want to do that anyway??), but it is relaxing to do our "normal" things without interruption. And, it feels good to check things off the list. I wish I were there, I'd help you catch up with the massive pile of laundry that I know is waiting for you. ):