Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Am No Fun

I was recently accused of being 'no fun'.  My absence from home was celebrated as a time to have fun with Abe. 
The accusation was quite hurtful as it came from one of my children, who shall remain nameless, but whose name rhymes with shark.  But no, I will not tell you which child it was.  Privacy must be respected, you know.

I beg to differ.  I am fun.  Surely I'm not such a stick in the mud?
See, look!  The girls are getting pedicures while they do their school work.  That's fun!--
But it is true that I had nothing to do with it.  Naomi is quite clearly way funner than me.
Look!  Faith is cutting snowflakes and sewing.  That is fun-- but once again, it was with Naomi-- not me.  See the painting hanging over the railing?  I let them get out the paint.  That was fun of me.
Clark is practicing the piano-- that's... fun...right?
Never mind.
Oh-- now he is fun!  But Barbara gave us the four-wheeler so I can't take any credit there either.

Perhaps Shark Boy is right. 

Shark boy, please forgive me for not being more fun.  It's just that I've been so busy making sure you have food to eat and have clean clothes to wear, and getting you to football practice on time, and helping you develop your talents, and nurturing your mind and spirit.  I'll try to stop doing so much on those fronts and just watch Star Trek and eat ice cream with you.

Love you.
My children are really going to suffer when Naomi leaves to go back to London.


Mothership said...

I will have to chime in here and take your side. I have seen the Halloween pictures and witnessed skipping races. What about the birthday party for the particular complainer in which you went to the canyon to find bugs? (Not fun to me, but certainly fun to a little boy!) What about the crazy book club and Primary parties. Whatever, "Mark." You need to re-evaluate.

christini yogini said...

You are fun, I totally agree with Mothership!!!!