On my first full day several of my family members headed downtown to see the sights, or at least as many sights as we could squeeze in a day.
The WWII Memorial was new since I'd last been to D.C. It was much bigger than I expected. I'm with my little 5 year old niece, Kaylee. She had quite the endurance and trooped all over town with us.
The Lincoln Memorial is so solemn and impressive.
We made a brief visit to the Museum of Natural History.
I have been to all of these sights before so I didn't feel too bad about such short, surface visits. Hopefully there will be other opportunities to go with my kids someday. Although, it was so crowded with student groups that the thought of keeping track of all my children in such crowds gave me some anxiety.
It was great getting to all gather for the graduation at George Mason University. I think all graduations are kind of boring for everyone except the people actually graduating. This was no exception, except that it was ever so slightly more raucous than the last one we went to at BYU for Abe's brother. BYU really keeps things formal and church like. At this graduation they handed out beach balls for the graduates to toss back and forth. Didn't seem very proper to me, but it was a little more interesting.
Thursday night we gathered for dinner at a most charming Italian restaurant. It was quite authentic and delicious and we enjoyed reminiscing about our family's time in Rome during my freshman and sophomore years of college.
Chip and Laura were in good spirits and great hosts in their new apartment that they'd lived in for all of a week before they were inundated with house guests.
Can you believe my incredibly skinny good-looking brothers? Who are these guys??? I'm so happy for them.
My family discovered a place call Top Golf that was a driving range meets a bowling alley. I'm not a big golfer so I was very happy to watch them play. It was outdoors, but covered and they had really great food you could order and enjoy a really fun atmosphere.
I enjoyed so much being with my family. After our nice dinner out together I thought that if someday all of my grown children could sit down to a meal together and share memories, laugh, be genuinely interested in one another's lives and children, be nothing but pleasant to each other, and anxiously look forward to when they could all be together again-- then I would feel like I'd done something right.
1 comment:
I like that goal, that would be really nice someday to see.
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