Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thank You Notes

Do you ever watch Jimmy Fallon?  I haven't for a long time, although I do think he's very funny.  He does a segment on his show called "Thank You Notes".  This evening I will do my own version of Thank You Notes.

Thank you... good friend Shelley... who came out of your house when I walked by this evening and chatted with me when I was feeling lonely and more than a little sorry for myself.

Thank you...  good friend Michelle... who let me water your raspberry plants this week while you were out of town and gave me permission to nibble on the ripe ones.  I think I need to plant raspberries next year.  And as a result of typing "raspberry" I learned that it has a "p" in it.  I never knew that.  I don't think I've ever written the word before.

Thank you... Cannon and George... for behaving so miraculously well while sitting through a crowded, humid, hot 5-HOUR swim meet today.

Thank you... Clark, Bethany, and Elinor... for all agreeing to do swim team rather than three different activities and significantly simplifying my life.

Thank you... my extended Cannon family... for being the kindest, friendliest people on the planet.  So much so that I happily took myself and my six children to a breakfast reunion at the park this morning just so I could bask in your goodness.

Thank you... John Larsen... for being a unbelievable example of being positive and thinking the best of everyone.

Thank you... Abe... for working so hard to take care of our family. And being my best friend and father to our children.

Thank you... youth leaders at church... for volunteering your time to take my children on so many wonderful adventures this summer.  And bringing them home alive.

Thank you... my sister  Brigitta... for taking care of Faith all day today.

Thank you... Dad... for letting Clark borrow your life jacket for his kayak adventure this coming week.  I do wish you had a paddle and stadium seat as well, but now we're the proud new owners of those.

Thank you... moldy smell that has been afflicting my house as of late... for disappearing and leaving us in peace.

Thank you... minivan that I love and appreciate and will never speak ill of... for getting us safely home this evening, even though something is very clearly not functioning correctly and absolutely must be seen by a mechanic this week.

Thank you... my children... who fervently praying that the van could make it home this evening when I was quite afraid it would not.

Thank you... Jillian Michaels... for being super mean, yet strangely inspirational, and helping me get off my tushy and exercise this week.  Even though I am partially crippled right now.

Thank you... George... for singing "Yankee Doodle" loudly in public places.  I just like it and it makes me happy.

Thank you...Faith... for working so hard on your aerial and officially getting into the "Yellow Class" that works so much better for our family's schedule.

Thank you... good friend Andrea... for lending us the black mats so Faith could properly practice her aerials. 

Thank you...Jordan River Temple... for being AMAZING.  If you are LDS and have a temple recommend, get thee to the temple this week!

Thank you... Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends... for entertaining all of my children this week, even if you are really messy and spread all over the living room floor.  You're worth it.

Thank you... Dr. Who... for allowing me to let my children watch TV without feeling guilty.  You're just smart and geeky enough to make me feel like they are still being productive. 

Thank you... parents of my piano students... for being so flexible and working with my ever-changing summer schedule.

Thank you... Alan Bradley... who writes some really charming murder mystery books that I enjoy.  I don't read them for any educational purposes or book club discussions.  Simply because they humor me.

Thank you... Susan Wise Bauer and Jim Weiss... for writing and reading aloud on CD great history stories for kids.  I knew it was time for something more meaningful in our car-time listening when George started singing, "... call me maybe...".

Thank you... Elinor... for showing me such confidence and bravery by swimming in the summer championships after only one week on the swim team.  Oh, could we all be so brave! 

Thank you... Miss Riverton... who was recently arrested on bomb possession charges and charged with four felonies at the tender age of 18...for giving me a fantastic, although very unfortunate, example of one moment's stupidity horribly affecting the rest of your life.

Thank you... Bethany... for crocheting me a case for my new glasses.  Which glasses I think I like; even if they do make me look like Velma from Scooby Doo.  I do feel smarter when I wear them.

Thank you...Blogger... for providing me an avenue for feeling heard and validated.  Even if it is only six people who may read this.  I feel better.   


Andrea said...

Thank you good friend Betsy for your friendship and for writing a fun blog that I thoroughly enjoy reading.

Kajsa and Fam said...

Sad to miss the breakfast! Those Cannon's are one of a kind :)