Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Peter Talks and Greta Walks

Peter's speech has come a long, long way from his screaming, grunting, non-speaking days.  He talks all the time now.  And we can even understand most of what he says.  It's very frustrating to him that "Alexa" doesn't understand most of what he says.
He's worked really hard to get her to understand him when he says, "Awexa, tehw me a yoke!" (Alexa, tell me a joke!)  He sits right by her and laughs his head off at the punch line of each joke she tells him.
George got his first Kiwi Crate in the mail last week and it's been a very happy thing on a week when he's been sick and couldn't play or go to his classes.  We made a stethoscope, sewed felt organs, and still have making x-rays with stickers to make.  How fun for us!
These really are perfect for George who loves tinkering and building!
And the really great thing is our online school program we do pays for this as his part of his science curriculum.
Faith and Cannon do a Tinker Crate that's designed for older kids.  They can do them completely on their own-- great for following directions and they love making them.
Baby Sith Lord made an appearance at our house this week!  Elinor put her sweatshirt on her and the light saber followed.  She loves to be photographed.
Greta had a big week!  She learned to walk!!!! We knew she was close because she could really cruise with the baby walker, but like all our babies, she wasn't going to even attempt walking until she was sure she could do it.

One hour later she was pretty steady on her feet.  She was quite proud of herself.

My baby loves.
Although if I ever hug them both and call them my babies, Peter says, "No, me big boy!"
Except when he wants a drink in a sippy cup instead of a cup.  Then, "Me just little."
How convenient.

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