Friday, October 14, 2022

Thursday Outings

Introducing the Butterfly Boy!
Early on Thursday mornings. George, Peter, Greta, and I head down to Lehi for Greta's violin lessons.  Then we drop George off at Thanksgiving Point for his Maker Space class.  So then Peter, Greta, and I go play for two hours until it's time to pick George up.  We've been having a marvelous time on our Thursday outings! 

Our first Thursday was the Butterfly Biosphere.  It's been a favorite of Peter's for several years.  Something about it soothes his intense little soul.

In hindsight, I wish we'd have combed his hair that day-- but he's a sweetheart.
Another week it was the "Dinosaur Museum".  It's so fun to hang out with just these two.  I watch the young moms juggling and chasing the babies and toddlers and I must admit-- going around with an 8-year-old and a 6-year-old is a far cry from what they are doing.  It's pretty cushy.  I mean, don't misunderstand me--- I HAVE EARNED THIS TIME!  And I am loving it!
And I really appreciate that these two get along very well and quite enjoy each other.
This past week was the Scarecrow Festival at Ashton Gardens.  That was really fun-- a perfect fall day and 72 scarecrow displays.  This was my favorite!
Ha ha ha!  Gru!
I also really liked the Sasquatch scarecrow.  People are so clever:)
I had to pose by my fellow Queen Elizabeth.  
This one, entitled "Grandma Melba" made me smile and think of Bethany's alter ego-- Grandma Lou.  I snapped a picture to send to her.
Abe had a little outing with the kiddos this week as well.  They went to Gardner Village to see the witches.

The American flag wall makes for a great patriotic photo.
George got a headstart on pumpkin carving.  He took one of our small decorative ones and made the first little jack-o-lantern of the season.

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