Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Paris Olympics 2024

Of all the exciting events of the summer, I might have been the MOST excited for this one.  It was a very exclusive guest list.  Here are the three ways you could have received an invite: 1--You are married to me,  2--I gave birth to you, or 3--You are the "favorite person" of someone I gave birth to.  

That's it-- that's the only way to get into the Olympics Opening Ceremony party.  

And here we are:)  In case you are curious, Faith's "favorite person" is her bestie, Dylan.  While he is a special friend--- he is not a "special friend", if you know what I mean.  
My very first charcuterie board!  I spent a fun evening with Elinor and Hunter researching and planning
The Olympic rings- along with a little chocolate fountain.  Ooh la la!  We are so fancy!
Bethany was the creator of the candy charcuterie board.  Yes, it was excessive, and no, we didn't even get close to eating it all.  But it was a thing a beauty!

Cutest little grandbaby!!

It was a late night:)
In the week leading up to the start of the games, we watched a couple classic Olympics-themed movies and drew and colored more flags. We watched Cool Runnings and Chariots of Fire
Drawing this dragon flag masterpiece (country of Bhutan), took Hunter the entirety of Cool Runnings.  Time well spent:)  

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