Operation: Get in Shape Girl is going well, but it takes a lot of time and thought and energy. I have now lost 30 pounds since the middle of September. I exercise 6 days a week morning and night-- so I do think I've earned every one of those lost pounds. They sure were a lot easier to gain than to lose! That being said, I quite enjoy the exercise and am considering running a half-marathon on March 31st. Anyone interested in joining me?
You can only have so many "top priorities". The thing is to not get down about what you are getting done or doing well. I have to remember that if other things were my top priority I would be getting them done. It's not that I can't clean my bathrooms or do fun art projects with the kids. It's just that that isn't my focus right now.
The children in Primary today were rather naughty. It wasn't much fun and I didn't particularly enjoy it. Perhaps the sheen of the new teachers has worn off for the kids and now they are seeing what they can get away with. Today, it seemed like they got away with quite a bit.
Abe and I love to watch Downton Abbey on PBS Sunday nights. Oh, happy day--it is Sunday night!
Clark gave a great talk in Sacrament Meeting today on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. But Downton Abbey is okay, right?
George had an ear infection this week. Clark had a nasty-bad sinus infection that took him out of life for the entire week. Both boys seem to be recovering. When babies get sick that get exponentially harder to take care of. When bigger kids get sick they get much easier. Clark is so gentle and mild when he's sick. I do feel badly for him... but...
No, no, of course I don't want my Man-Child to be sick. But nor do I particularly enjoy taking the brunt of 12 year-old mood swings.
Last night Abe took the kids to Walmart. I was busy preparing tasty victuals for my family to eat and I suppose they all wanted to get out of the house. With her own money Faith purchased a $5 pink and purple golf club set. Now, if it had been me, I'm sure I would have forbidden such a purchase. I know-- I'm so mean. But whereas Abe saw a fun harmless toy for cheap, I see a matched set of weapons for children to fight over and damage property.
Need I mention there has been much fighting over the golf clubs already, even thought they clearly belong to Faith. Cannon and George just don't have any respect for property rights yet.
Elinor tested for her purple belt in Tae Kwon Do on Saturday. She did great and she LOVES Tae Kwon Do. There is a Japanese cartoon called Avatar that we can watch on Netflix. To say Elinor loves this show is an understatement. Actually, all the kids love it and and they quote it ad nauseum. Clark regularly reminds Elinor that it is not real-- there are no such things as air benders or water benders. Occasionally, I'll overhear and episode and I'll realize, "Oh, so that is where Elinor has heard that phrase or tone of voice or inflection of words."
Elinor did have a better week with getting her stuff done each day and didn't have to miss any days of Tae Kwon Do. Which is good for her, because this is what she loves.
And I agree, num-chucks are fun!
Breaking a board with your kicking is really fun!
I am currently reading Middlemarch by George Elliot. I'm very much enjoying it, although I'm not getting through it as fast as I'd like. Just not enough time for reading. Once again, I remind myself that if reading was my top priority I would get it done. Dang all those dishes and laundry!
The other day Bethany asked me if I like being a mom. I told her I liked it very much. She asked if there was anything I didn't like about being a mom. I told her that it isn't so much anything I dislike. I don't really mind the dishes and laundry. It's more that there is so much I would like to do that I don't have time for. I must remember that eternity is a long time and I'll have time to do every good thing, eventually!
I always think I would be such a great governess! If only I could focus on growing the children and could abandon the mopping, shoveling snow and cutting vegetables.
GREAT JOB on sticking to the exercise plan.
The children were wild in my Primary today as well. I wonder if it was church-wide.
I save Downton Abbey for folding laundry. (You can watch it on the pbs.org).
Missed you this week.
Ah, I needed this post today. I feel inspired to get back on my own now!
I hope that Downton Abby isn't breaking the Sabbath - otherwise I have been a naughty girl!
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