1. I ran 10 miles this morning! It took me 2 hours and 5 minutes and it wasn't horrible. Dare I say I quite enjoyed myself? Yes, I did enjoy it. 21 days until my half-marathon and I figure if I can do 10 and have it not be horrible, then 13.1 shouldn't exceed quite unpleasant. Hopefully.
2. I have now reached my first weight-loss goal and have lost 40 lbs. I'm pretty sure the running 10 miles thing has contributed to this:)
Come on, now, everyone together,
For she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly good feeeellllooooowwwwww---- which nobody can deny!
Oh, you all are too kind.
I am missing out on my more frequent blogging, but life is just keeping us hopping. And when we're done hopping we want to sleep because we're so tired of hopping. Not so much time left for blogging.
Here are a few of our latest hopping abouts.
Oh, yes, he's a keeper!
Tonight Elinor was the host and cook for Lady Bug Dinner Club. I listened in for a bit to their dinner table conversation and it was A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. I loved when they went around the table playing Peach-and-Pit. That's where you share the best thing that happened to you that week (the peach) and the worst thing (the pit).
Here's my peach-and-pit for the week.
Peach: I ran 10 miles and lost 40 lbs.
Pit: George is drawn to the toilet bowl like a moth to the flame, or should I say, like a fish to major bacteria laden water. WHY WILL NO ONE IN THIS HOUSE CLOSE THE FREAKING BATHROOM DOORS??????????
Holy Moly!-- little boys have a lot of energy! But they are the cutest little things and they are both fiercely jealous of their snuggle time with mommy. If one is getting some loves, the other quickly arrives on the scene to fight for what is theirs. I feel so loved-- so many males vying for my attention.
Now that is a good looking bread stick. But that's not what I want to discuss.Cannon enjoys superhero cartoons, but he can only have it in small doses because he really does behave quite naughty if he watches too much. He gets very aggressive. Once again, not what I want to discuss.
I want to share a conversation with Cannon from this past week. He regularly keeps us in stitches during dinner with the funny things he says.
Abe: Cannon,you can have the Star Wars poster in this cereal box.
Cannon: YES! I knew their was a poster in that cereal!
Abe: Really? How did you know that?
Cannon: My spidey-sense told me.
Betsy: Where did you get your spidey-sense?
Cannon: Heavenly Father gave it to me.
Betsy: Did Heavenly Father give everyone spidey-sense?
Cannon: No, only the boys.
Betsy: Oh, what did he give to the girls?
Cannon: Green Lantern Power.
I want to trade. Spidey-sense is way better than Green Lantern power. Everyone knows that.
Way to go Betsy!
I saw Bethany outside helping Faith - it was pretty adorable. Please send Bethany to my house for a week or so to help train Isabelle - thank you in advance...
Great job on the running and the weight loss. They are both challenging things to accomplish - good job!
You look amazing! Im so jealous! What an inspiration.
Good job on the 10 miles! The first time I did that, I almost threw up so i'm totally impressed. Awesome job on your weight loss!
Way to go, girlfriend!
I am so super happy for you!!!!
You are looking amazing! I keep meaning to tell you. I'm so impressed that you are running a half marathon too. Keep up the great work.
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