Wednesday, February 27, 2019

In Which Greta Is Getting Better

Greta's recovery from surgery to remove tiny magnets she swallowed and to repair the damage to her intestines is going very well.  Over the past couple days she has taken several little walks-- which she doesn't like.  She asks in her sweet little voice, "How about we go back now?"
A walk with her "Daddy- Bear".
For as sweet and calm and mild-mannered as she has been, we were surprised when she pulled both of her IVs out during the night on Monday.  So she got the arm wraps so she couldn't reach to pull out the replacement IV and nose tube.   When she woke up she said, "I'm super strong!"
 Her Aunt Katie and cousin Edra gave her this amazing handmade mermaid and fish.  Greta adores them and likes to keep them by her. 
So sweet!
Obviously, I would never have wished this ordeal on Greta-- it was very scary and very sad to see her so sick and uncomfortable.  I am grateful for the time to be with my baby.  To read and color and sing and tell stories.  To snuggle and touch and be with her.  That part is a blessing.  I am glad for that part.
When Elinor, Faith, Cannon, George, and Peter came into her room on Wednesday, Greta just LIT UP!  she was so, so happy to see them!  It was absolutely heart-warming.  
She came to life--smiling, talking, laughing.  The difference in her demeanor was incredible.  These are her people.  She is adored completely by them and she loves them!  She was playing and batting at bubbles.
She loved her get well cards from her Chaston cousins.  
Her big brothers were so enthusiastic to help her ride a trike down the hall to the incredible playroom here in on the third floor.
It was about the cutest thing I've every seen to watch them play with her.
And for a girl who really didn't like walking down the hall, she was so happy to explore the playroom and stand on her feet and walk around for quite a while.
So much love.
The kids were having so much fun.  Greta ran out of steam, but the kids want to come back to play more tomorrow.
The boys had fun with the air hockey table.
Texting with big sis.
When it was time for the kids to say goodbye, Greta just melted down.  For the first time in this whole experience, she cried.  It was the saddest thing ever. She was so sad they were leaving.  Their visit was so good for her and I hope they come to visit again very soon.
I must take a moment to thank so many people who have carried our family this week.  Meals, rides, visits, prayers, gifts, offers for help... it goes on and on.  It has made this load feel so much lighter and I am beyond grateful.   
One last note-- my sister sent me the following pictures of the kids and myself when they arrived at the hospital.  I guess Greta wasn't the only one who was super happy to see them:)

So good to be with my peeps again.

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