Monday, October 21, 2019

In Which We All Quite Like One Another

Upon hearing that he had brushed my hair for long enough to "earn" a wished for toy, Peter announces to the family, "Raise your hand if you are jealous of me!"  So loud.  So intense. So driven.  So earnest.  So loved.
She is definitely living her best life:) She fell asleep on the couch while reading a book, with her unicorn for company. 
Dinner and games with the Johansen Family-- no better way to spend a Sunday evening.  Our combined numbers were markedly fewer than they've been in the past, but it was lovely to be together nonetheless.  Clark (Texas) and Kara (Argentina) both return from missions in mid-December and we enjoyed anticipating their return.
We don't have "recess" per say... but Elinor and Faith did take a break from school work to have a spa day with Greta.
George joined me on part of a morning walk recently.  He's a cutie.
 I saw this on Facebook recently and it spoke to me.  I feel very blessed.  And sometimes squished with hugs, but mostly blessed. 
Her make-up skills are improving.
Her smile reminds me of Bethany's.
One more, because she is just too much fun.  
The Littles and Bigs are so good for each other.
Both Elinor and Faith were invited to play in a service recital at an assisted living home.  They slayed their pieces with their duet partners.  
See what I mean about squished?  But I'm not complaining.  I rather like them.
Abe and the kids were looking through the book of photos from his Dad's funeral.
Faith and her neighborhood friends at a recent stake dance.  They are the best girls!
Faith and George working on a project for their tech class.  
A couple weekends ago Elinor and Faith had simultaneous water polo games on neighboring fields.  Elinor's tournament is this coming weekend and then Faith is the following weekend.  Then no more polo till March:(

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