Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020

I've been suspecting this for a few months, but I think this is proof enough--- FAITH'S HAIR IS GOING CURLY in a serious way!  This makes me so happy!  It's a family trait on my side of the family that in the teenage years hair can go from straight to seriously curly in a matter of months.  The under layers are  even coarser and curlier.  I suppose right now, really wavy is more descriptive.  But you just wait-- it's coming.
Considering how thick her hair is, this could be very exciting!  She wears is in a pony tail or bun so often that I wasn't entirely sure.  Every time she wears it down it has more body than it did the time before.
 I am about to reach out to a couple of cousins to ask for their curly hair tips and products.  
  This is how George felt during his math today.  Multiple digit multiplication.  He was a trooper.  School work is tough on days with perfect spring weather.  
Greta is usually quite good-natured.  Not so much yesterday.  She woke up on the "wrong side of the bed" and stayed there until she fell asleep that night.  I guess we all have grumpy days from time to time.  We just aren't accustomed to them with her.  
Today she was much more cheerful and our "Kitty" was back to her normal self.  
She likes to drink her kitty milk in a bowl on the ground.  And I can't think of any reason she shouldn't:)
More Cannon ballet pictures.  I really enjoy watching him during his virtual classes.  Here are some videos of him during his class today.  Sadly, his barre/chair wasn't a very secure, but hey, you make do during a pandemic.  Also, our new floors are great for ballet!

The last couple of days have been amazing weather.  The kids always want a "water day" before I think it's really quite warm enough.  Fortunately for them, Abe's temperature runs warm and he agrees with them.  This water party and this picture and pretty much all the fun in your life is brought to you by Dad!
How did people used to survive a pandemic before trampolines?  
... oh wait.  Maybe they didn't?  Sorry, that was a bad joke.  But anyway, we do have a trampoline and it is getting A LOT of use these days.  
Also, I got a new phone-- my first iphone.  Mind you it is a refurbished iphone 7 plus, but still.  It's an iphone and can I just say WOW!  Where has this camera been all my life?  I expect I'll be taking a lot of pictures in the next little while.  Also, was my old phone really that slow?  This sucker is FAST.
But even bigger than my new phone, and markedly more expensive, is the new roof we are getting this week.  I shall not go into details about just how badly we needed a new roof and how one company gave us a bid and the guy said it was the worst roof he'd ever seen (drama much? Sheesh!).  Sufficeth to say, it needed to be replaced and it's getting replaced and we are very happy.  And the next time it rains really hard (which hopefully will be when they have the roof all finished) I am going to sit on the spot where the roof has leaked in the past and just look up at it and enjoy my safe and secure shelter.
Also, the kids have really been enjoying playing baseball in the backyard.  Abe is convinced they will break a window, and I can't really disagree with him.  Our windows could probably use replacement as well, but let's deal with one major home expense at a time.  Roof first.  
One of the roofers was so nice and brought the kids a bucket of baseballs to use.  I don't know if he just has buckets of baseballs sitting around his house, but whatever the reason, it was thoughtful of him and the kids were thrilled.   
 Yesterday they delivered the shingles.  I suppose I'd never thought about it, but I didn't realize getting a new roof would be so loud.  Not complaining-- just commentary.  We haven't done anything much by way of home improvement since we moved into this house 13 years ago.  I swear, we've done more during "quarantine" than all those 13 years combined.  Based on the parking lot at the Home Depot when we drove by today, we are not the only ones sprucing up our home while we've got the time.   

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