Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

It has been a truly lovely Easter Sunday.
From the top...
We're shameless, but it's tradition!  The kiddos (college kids included) come to our room and then line up to go downstairs for the Easter egg hunt and to see what the bunny brought.  I suppose at some point our adult children will refuse and we will respect their choice.  But until they do, line up and take the picture!
The mad dash down the stairs.  It's also tradition that the youngest child nearly gets trampled to death.  Good times.
Don't try to act like you aren't excited, Faith!
Nothing we do for Easter is terribly over-the-top, but the favorite tradition is the hunt for the little foil-wrapped chocolate eggs hidden all over the living room.  The hunt is over in about 45 seconds flat, but it's a tradition from my childhood and everyone gets a kick out of it. 
The littles are supposed to look low and big kids look high.  George, the master collector usually comes out with the most.
Greta was pretty thrilled with the whole thing.
All eight of them trading their Easter candy.  We don't understand how George came out with so much stuff, except that he loves stuff and he must be shrewd trader.
Greta insisted on wearing her Easter dress today.  She makes us happy.
One more of her just because. 
We did our home church service at 10:00 and it was so wonderful.  We sang Easter hymns.  Abe gave a talk about the resurrection and shared some thoughts that his dad, Jim Fox, shared at Tessa's graveside service.  Bethany threw together a musical number to share that was absolutely perfect.  We videoed it afterwards.

At Tessa's service, we had a friend sing "Consider the Lilies" and it sort of became Tessa's song for our family.
I will always treasure this recording of Bethany singing it.
After our church we all went to the cemetery to visit the grave sites of my mom and Tessa.  We made the comment that somehow cemeteries aren't sad places on Easter, rather because of Christ they are bright and hopeful and have a wonderful spirit about them.
Now this picture.  This picture is CLASSIC Peter.  We were wanting a picture of all the kids by Tessa's grave.  Peter was being "dead boy".  It's a game he likes to play.  We asked him to please stop being "dead boy" so we could take a nice picture.  Peter's response?  "I'm in a cemetery! Why can't I be dead boy!". 
So yeah.  Dead boy won with sound reasoning.
My loves.
George organized and planned and prepared an outdoor egg hunt this afternoon.  All Abe had to do was actually hide the eggs, George did everything else.  Hard to complain about that.
Once again, George the collector found the most.  He has a gift.  Now how to harness the gift and channel it for good?
Clark didn't stay all day, rather he headed back down to his apartment.  He was on the computer playing a game with Cannon when it was time for our Easter dinner, so he joined us virtually.  That couldn't have been very satisfying for him.  I told him I'd save him a plate and he could swing by tomorrow after work to pick it up.  Even still, I did feel rather guilty eating with him watching.
And now, the little ones have been put to bed and I think we'll finish the day off with watching a musical together.  

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