Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Happy Thought, Indeed


There is a line in Pride and Prejudice --- "Shelves in a closet? Happy thought, indeed!"

Well, all I can say is benches at a kitchen table?!  Happy thought, indeed!" 

 But seriously, we have just recently traded out most of our kitchen chairs for these benches and I LOVE IT!  It makes the eating area feel so much more spacious.  How have we lived this long without benches?  If there is a downside, I'm not seeing it (and please don't tell me).  Benches at a kitchen table?  Happy thought, indeed!

Cannon and Ryan got to hang out with Clark at a Heroscape tournament on Saturday.
Abe was so happy to hold his baby nephew, Wesley.  
Truth be told, I was loving holding that little baby as well.  You just forget how little they come.
Book club at our house.  It's been a tradition for long time and we love it.  For several years we didn't actually read books-- life was pretty wild for a lot of us and it was as much as we could do to just maintain the relationships and help each other through.  Happily, we are back to trying to read a book each month.
And of course, it's fun for the kids as well. 
Peter made great progress on his reading with the Dog Man series.  Highly recommend for little boys.
Greta liked trying on Faith's tech suit.  
Here's a little looksie into what it's sometimes like around here.  The house has been kept markedly cleaner the last few days and the remote is still in confiscation.  I like this arrangement.

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