Friday, October 22, 2021

Gardner Village 2021


On a rare night, when the boys didn't have dance because it was their fall break, we bundled up and visited the witches at Gardner Village.  Faith's friend from the swim team, Alyssa joined us as well.

They're pretty funny together and they proved once again that swimmers' sense of fashion is... well...they don't really have a sense of fashion.  And they like it that way.  At least they wore pants.

We had a running family joke for years about Clark and his girlfriend...
This year George moved in on Clark's girl!
We got ice cream and fries at Arctic Circle afterward.  Sweet potato fries are my favorite!
George and another of his marvelous science experiments.
Last Friday night the Deacons (Cannon's church youth group) did an outdoor movie in the backyard.  
Looking sharp!  Cannon wore his new suit on Sunday.
Greta was a little frustrated after her violin practice and Faith swooped in with a big sister hug and made it all better:)  
My favorite picture of the week-- we curled Greta's hair for church and she was delighted to find that when the curls came down by the sides of her face, she was just like Jane Austen!  I think she thought of the hairstyles in Jane Austen movies.  This seriously warmed my heart:)  #raisethemright
Here's a picture of Bethany at her place of employment up in Logan.  She teaches lots of music lessons-- mostly violin, but a few voice lessons as well.  She loves it and lucky the kids who get her for a teacher.  She is also Greta's violin teacher, although she mostly does her lessons virtually.  
On Monday Abe drove up to Logan and spent some time with the girls-- lucky for them both!  They ate at Angie's and then Abe got to go see where Bethany works.  
This evening Abe and I had such a marvelous time at an art show and Kenneth Cope concert our friend Andrea hosted.  The north balcony of her home gives the best view in the city of the renovations on the Salt Lake Temple.  

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