Abe and Clark went to a firewalk last weekend that our friend Andrea hosted-- how adventurous of them! They loved the experience and they did not burn their feet.
Here is Clark walking on the coals.
The evening included a trust fall.
And a board breaking.
Meanwhile, I took Team Middle Kids (Faith, Cannon, and George) to see
Bright Star at Hale Center Orem. Abe and I had already been to the show with Bethany and Elinor, but I love it so much that I wanted to see it again and I wanted these guys to experience it as well.
George is holding a rubber flying chicken on his finger that he picked out, rather than a treat at the gas station beforehand. The flying rubber chicken did not disappoint. Its entertainment value was well worth its $3.00 cost.
Faith and a couple of adorable swim friends hammocking at the park on a sunny day.
They came back and made bracelets during the women's session of General Conference.
A group of neighborhood kids held a very profitable lemonade stand last weekend and George was the corner street sign dancer. So proud.
George took an online game design class this year and he created a new card game-- he calls it "Staged". It is actually a really fun game! We all enjoy playing it with him.

Last weekend after all the sessions of General Conference we got together for dinner and games with our good friends. We were introduced to a new game that we can't get enough of-- Skull King. It's a pirate-themed game and since Greta is not quite ready to play with us, so she likes to participate by wearing her mermaid costume.
We don't usually start the school day with games, but, like I said, we can't get enough of Skull King.
One of my favorite things about Greta is her ability to self-entertain. The other day she took her echo dot outside and danced like no one was watching. I recorded her from the kitchen window, thinking to myself, that is how I want to feel!
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