Friday, December 30, 2022

December Begins

The boys' neighborhood sock drive was once again a great success!  The Chase family does such a great job organizing it and the boys look forward to it each year.

Then Peter got a turn to go with Abe and some of the Snow family to a BYU basketball game.  He was thrilled to get a picture with Cosmo.
Going on a date with Abe to see A Christmas Carol at Hale Center Theater was a highlight of the season for me.  It was especially fun to see Abe's former co-worker star as Ebeneezer Scrooge.  He is incredible.

Well now, isn't that just a cute picture?
A little Christmas angel.
This was another of my favorite moments of the season-- as a family, we had just voted the winner of a double-elimination tournament to determine the best popular Christmas song.  It was none other than "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey.  These two performed a dramatic lip-sync beginning and when the beat picked up, they were spot on with their kick line!  Ha, ha ha!!!! So funny! Here is a link.  

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