Monday, May 15, 2023

Spring Fever Fun

Grover has now joined the ranks of my awesome morning walking partners.  He loves his morning walk, and it plumb tuckers him out.  I am his most favorite person:)

Have I mentioned what a good dog he is?
It's become somewhat of a tradition with the kids that on the first spring-like, nice day of the year, we head over to the Riverton City Park with hammocks and Little Caesars Pizza and try to soak in the sunshine.
These two have always had a special connection.  The two "G's" of the family.  I guess Grover is the third "G" now. 
Faith and her daffodils-- its' tradition.

Faith hanging with friends (AKA "a date") to a BYU baseball game.
More mother/daughter bowling fun.
Fox cousin fun.  They are all so beautiful and so sweet to each other.  The cousin bond is strong-- they love each other so much.  What  a joy to be with and listen to.
The joy of cornhole!  Tis the season to prepare for competition!
Late night with best friends and The Sandlot.  Does childhood get much better than this?
Have I mentioned lately how much I love the Chase kids and and how grateful I am for their family?  Well, let it be noted, I do love them and I am grateful for them!
Peter and Greta made a miniature golf course in the family room.  We have had some nice spring days, but I'm guessing this wasn't one of them.  Spring has been especially slow in coming with lots of cold, snowy/raining days in between.  I'm pretty sure this was one of my "no screen days".  
They love it when I do that.  
Kidding, they do not love it.  But secretly, I think maybe they do like it.
Either way, nothing gets the creative juices flower faster than no screen days.  And I do love me some creative juices.
The biker gang of the neighborhood-- about to make their way to the local Walmart.  Aren't kids awesome?  When was the last time you gathered friends from your neighborhood and said, "Let's ride our bikes to Walmart?"  
These royal princesses seem quite pleased with themselves.
She's almost seven.  How did that happen so fast?  If I could, I would keep her the age she is right now.  She is a joy!
She made herself a homemade lava lamp.  She's clever like that.
Family D&D with Cannon as dungeon master.  I was not invited to join.  After my last stunt of napping on the couch when I was supposed to be playing, it was understandable.
These little ladies donned their princess dresses and formed a spring costume parade around the block, throwing out candy to their adoring fans.  And if there weren't any adoring fans, they knocked on doors to throw candy at unsuspecting home owners.  Way to make it happen!

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