Friday, January 24, 2025

Cannon's Got Rizz---- **CRINGE**

One of the fun things with having teenagers is school dances and the creativity they entail.  I will say, very gratefully, thus far, teenage boys and school dances are less dramatic affairs than teenage girls and school dances.  
Cannon asked Megan with a lot of little rubber duckies and a poster saying he'd be a "lucky duck" if she'd go to Hoco with him.
We thought her response was quite clever.
Silly Goose-- ha ha ha!
Greta put a tie on the goose and gave him an office job.  But I digress--
Homecoming is guys choice and these kids are all in Madrigals together.  You are correct that there are four men and three ladies ("too many men") -- ha ha, name that reference!  
Correct, Pride and Prejudice!  
I guess one of the dates fell through at the last minute.  Not my circus, not my monkey.
Cannon has really enjoyed being a part of Madrigals, both musically and socially.  They are great kids.
Blue Steel

Bethany's husband, Ben was their photographer
We hosted the dinner and recreated a "Scene At an Italian Restaurant" experience like the girls did for a Sweethearts dance several years ago.  
And just like Cannon had done for his older siblings...
George and Peter were the servers, and excellent servers they were.  George is obsessed with Italian food, more specifically Olive Garden.  So he was more than happy to play the part.
The next dance was  Girls Pref.  
This poster arrived on the doorstep with a baggie of puzzle pieces.  When put together it was none other than the beloved Rick Astley.  When Mari's name was discovered on the back of the taped together puzzle, there was great rejoicing throughout the land!

Oh,...uh... I mean, whatever. Cannon was cool with it.

How to respond to such a request?  How about a full page QR code that took her to THIS 

Once again, Ben the Cannon's go-to guy to make the video.  George and I scoured the DIs for costume pieces.
Because Girls Pref is right around Halloween time, their group went as different sodas.  Cannon and Mari were Mountain Dew

Cannon had hoped to be Dr. Pepper, but they were beat to the punch.

How cute are they altogether? 
Cannon had a great time!

Winter Ball came on the heels of Girls' Pref.  
Cannon asked Leah-- a good friend from his ballet company.
I hardly recognize the ballerinas without the ever-present ballet buns.

A lot of the girls Cannon has danced with for a long time will be graduating this year.  I think he's really going to miss them.
It's the same guys from Homecoming, but with equal numbers of ladies:)

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