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This is a true picture with no photo shopping or anything. As Cannon's hair is getting a little longer it has quite a bit of body and definitely a reddish tint. One night after his tubbie I put a bit of curl enhancer in and this was the result.
I think it is so cute! But it didn't last. I still think he's pretty cute.
He was pretty pleased with himself as well. Couldn't you just EAT him up!
Elinor turned 7 yesterday. She's pretty tall for her age. VERY tall. Here she is with a couple of her favorite friends. She is a full head taller than both of them. I hope they catch up over the next few years or stake dances could be very uncomfortable.
Elinor opened her presents yesterday and was delighted with new softball equipment. Bethany will be joining her this season so she got an early birthday present so they could practice together.
These two sisters have very different personalities, but I love to watch them interact with each other. They are best friends who share clothes, shoes, toys, a room, a bed (by choice), books, and friends. They are kind to one another and they include Faith in their games. What a lucky mommy I am.
Today was the party! Elinor has never had her own birthday party. Oh, she has had parties, but they've always been combined with Bethany. We thought it would be good for her to have her own (although, I don't think she cared much either way).
What a GREAT group of kids! We had pizza and cake and ice cream and then lots of fun birthday games--pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, four corners. It was a very fun afternoon and I am so grateful for good friends for my children. The blond girl on the far left is Elinor's cousin, Gentri.
This is kind of a boring picture, (except for Faith), but our family room works out great for a game area. We just push the couches all the way back and it gives us a good, big area for play.
Abe and Clark were the decorating committee. They did well. We'll just leave the decorations up until Faith's birthday later in March.
Thanks to the dollar store, you can throw a pretty fun birthday party on a pretty small budget!
One girl birthday party down this month--- two to go next month!
1 comment:
I love those beautiful curls Cannon has. It is so nice your girls get along. Sometimes I wonder how much my kids would play together if they were gone from each other at school all day. Hope you can manage without the Olympics on. Hee hee.
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