With the exception of the couple of days Clark tried to load the dishwasher with VERY dirty, food encrusted dishes; which food then cooked on the heating element producing a very strong burning smell.
He has since learned that there is a reason we rinse the dishes before loading them.
Clark's First Lego League team went back to Pocatello for the State competition (after winning a category in regionals). They WON first place in the same category again. They were thrilled, but didn't rank high enough overall to go to nationals/worlds in Atlanta. That's okay, because that would have been some kind of fundraising nightmare. Their project was researching energy producing speed bumps.
Great group of boys.
This little guy is growing up very quickly. He's about 21 months and just as much trouble as he looks. He loves balls and cars. He is obsessed with the basketball hoops at church. He knows what they are there for and it is very frustrating to him that he can't get a ball up there.
He recently ripped several pages out of Clark's scriptures and tore the earrings out of a favorite doll of Bethany's. He likes to throw things away. Our can-opener went missing a couple of months back and we can only figure that he threw it away. The Cannon-ator strikes fear into the heart of the young and old who do not put their things away.
Also in honor of Abe's birthday we turned our monthly book club into a cold cereal party. All the sugar cereal you cared to eat. The kids were never so anxious for dinner at book club before. But I must admit that by the end of the evening nobody (with the exception of Abe) was feeling very good. The kids admitted that lots of sugar cereal doesn't make your body feel good.
Important lesson learned.
The little ladies of the club wrote a song entitled, "Fabulous Five". It was so catchy that I'll share the lyrics with you, but remember they are copyrighted.
Fabulous Five
Dead or alive
We are all connected
Fanciest Five
Strong and Alive
We are all connected
Bethany, Elinor, Raven, Faith and Gracie
We are all connected
This picture is of their debut performance. Sorry you weren't there to witness it. It was really something.
I was at that game last night as well, but thanks to all of you at Christmas, my seats were row 7 of the upper bowl across from the Jazz bench. It was a great game.
Alexis and Julia are doing dishes, mopping the floor, and starting to learn to clean bathrooms. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! It's great!! It's more work at first, but it's worth it!
Clark's Lego team looks so awesome! Good for those boys. They must be proud of themselves!
Barbara, Clark and I went down and sat in about row 10 right near the floor with about 3 minutes to play, since lots of people had started to leave by that point. SUPER FUN!!
Amy, (At least I'm thinking it is you Amy that made the comment referring to Alexis & Julia) - Your google-name account is messed up somehow, and is showing up as "heatherhousewife".
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