This picture is Clark's solution. Lego land is a 3x6 gated off area in the family room between the couch and the bookshelves where he regularly builds his legos and listens to books on tape.
This works out great for everyone. This post is all about my eldest.
First children. Sure, they get to do everything first, but man, what a price they have to pay in dealing with inexperienced parents! Clark turns 11 this year and Abe and I are both very pleased with the young man he is becoming. Clark and I do lock horns occasionally and we are both very grateful Abe is there smooth things over on both ends.
But this post is actually about the signs of the times that Clark is growing up. Like I said, I am very happy to see who he is becoming and I look forward to what he will do in life, but I am a mother. Which means I get to miss the little boy things that are not to be anymore. (Enter my tears). So here are some of the signs of the time:
1. When we go to see our pediatric dentist who gives out balloons shaped in to animals or swords when we're all done, Clark refuses his balloon. (What? He loves those balloons--or at least he did love them.)
2. When we all go to Walmart to get our valentines and candy, Clark asks if he can just give out candy and skip the valentines. (At first he didn't want to do anything at all. He finally did give in when he saw cool dinosaurs that moved when tilted. I guess he's got a few more years.)
3. If he's hungry, he can just make himself some food. (This one I'm super happy about, but then I forget that not all the kids can make their own food. Sorry I forgot to feed you, Cannon.)
4. Doesn't have to be told to brush his teeth and comb his hair. (Oh, happy day. I know several teenagers who have a problem here.)
5. He reminds me of events we have scheduled for the day. (I actually do need quite a bit of help with this).
6. He insists that Abe wake him up when he gets up for work and not let him sleep in till his lazy mother gets up (I added that lazy part, he is respectful and would NEVER say that, but it's true), so that that he can get started on his school work.
To Clark (who I know reads my posts) I say to you, forgive your mother all of her shortcomings. I really am trying the best I can. And someday when you remind me of something I did wrong I will apologize and tell you that I really did the best I could. So, it would probably be best not to ever bring those things up, because it will probably just make me cry. You wouldn't want to make your mother cry, would you? Love you, Clark.
Our kids really are growing up aren't they? I'm starting to feel a sense of urgency to teach Alexis all the things that I still want her to learn in the short 7 1/2 years I still have her. Spiritually and academically! We mothers have a heavy load raising children, but luckily it's dividends are joy and grandparenting!!
He sure is getting big ... and what a great job you have done with him ... he is turning in to such a great young man. Love you!
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