He was wearing really thick boots and yet the nail still went pretty far into his foot.
Okay, no more details as I sense some of you may be wincing.
His friend's mom is a nurse so I felt he was in better hands than he would have been at home. He stayed and played. By the time he finally got home he was in a great deal of pain.
He moaned and groaned throughout the evening. He couldn't put any weight on the foot.
This morning, after he hopped/hobbled/crawled into piano lessons (I know, I'm the meanest mom in the world) I went to DI to get him a pair of crutches so he could get around a little easier. They are too big for him, but that's all they had and I figure he won't need them very long.
But it wasn't all bad. The final Fablehaven book did come out yesterday.
Abe spent some time with the girls tonight looking through the scrapbook my mom made for us that chronicled our dating and engagement.
The girls LOVE hearing these stories over and over. Who am I kidding? Abe loves telling these stories over and over.
Faith finally finished her birthday celebrations on Monday. Perhaps the highlight was Faith's lengthy examination of the FOUR dollars(!!!) Grandma Fox sent her. There were other gifts as well, but she was really captivated by the moolah!
He wanted his picture taken.
Cloth diaper update: they work! Who knew? Well, all our mothers and grandmothers knew, but they work. I use really thin disposable liners that you just flush away-- that gets rid of the the yucky/poopy part. Okay, I'll stop now as I sense that some of you are wincing.
You may want to get Clark a tetanus shot.
He's had it.
Poor Clark-a-huki!!! I'm sure with all the suffering he'll at least get out of some chores or something! I'm sure the scrapbook your Mom made you is a treasure, for the memories of you and Abe, and also of her love and crafting skills. :) Faith and Cannon are such cuties.
Clark totally reminds me of Josh! I hope his foot gets better soon, that doesn't sound fun at all!
Yes....I do know from whose genes the Low-Tolerance-of-Pain comes from.
But which of us is the more Overly Dramatic.....?
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