Saturday, March 27, 2010


Clark is mobile again. He ditched his crutches and now just limps around. I'm happy because I was beginning to think he had severed a tendon or paralyzed a muscle by stepping on the nail. He had a friend over to play and next thing I knew he was getting around just fine. Did his friend call him a wussie pants and encourage him to TRY to walk? I hadn't called him a wussie pants, but I had been encouraging him to TRY to walk! I guess I wasn't very convincing.
I am happy to have him back in action. As it turns out, I do ask him to help out quite a bit and I missed his help! Hmm, maybe that is why he didn't try to walk sooner.

We went to our book club tonight where I seemed to be the only one who didn't enjoy the book, Contact. What is wrong with me? Do I lack imagination? (maybe) Do I not care about the mysteries of the universe? (probably) Do I hate all sci-fi? I don't think so; I did read Ender's Game and I really liked it. A lot. I couldn't relate to the Ellie character in Contact at all. I asked Abe on the way home if I just have "Mother Tunnel Vision"? Meaning, I am so involved in mothering, that I have a hard time understanding other motivations.

Speaking of Mothering, I needed to go buy some new maternity pants today. True confessions: I'm not getting smaller as I have these babies and although I do have lots of maternity pants, they don't all fit. Okay, okay, not very many fit. So there it is.
You know when you go to a movie or a concert or something and they completely gouge you on the price of a soda BECAUSE THEY CAN! They know you are thirsty and they know you have no other options. That is how I view maternity stores. They know pregnant women are DESPERATE for pants that are comfortable, so they charge outrageous prices BECAUSE THEY CAN! Curse the law of supply and demand.
But I am enjoying my comfy new pants.

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