Clark also had a birthday this week. He turned 11! For his birthday he wanted to do a reptile hunt.
Hey, to each his own. We knew of a good place to find reptiles up Spanish Fork Canyon. So Abe and a couple other dads drove the gang down for a hike/hunt and a picnic lunch on Saturday. I suppose my pregnancy paralysis set in again and I opted to stay home with Faith and Cannon.
They had fun and were successful in catching a few lizards. Abe says they probably saw about 50, but they were hard to catch. I'm sure the boys' mothers were grateful they were hard to catch so there weren't many "party favors" brought home.
The boy on the left is Ammon. He and Clark have been friends since they were babies. Well, they've been friends for the past 8 years. For the first 3 years of their acquaintance they just took turns injuring each other. But they've matured and are great friends now. He lives some distance away, but Clark really wanted him to come on this outing.
Because of the distance involved it worked out for Ammon to stay the night at our house on Saturday and then go to church with Clark. We will return Ammon to his family this evening when we go to dinner at his house. This is a big deal because we don't do friend sleepovers. When visiting with family we've had cousins stay over. Our family has had camp outs with other families. But just one child, one friend sleepovers we have never done. It has worked out well and Clark has really enjoyed the extra boy time. We've known Ammon for so long and we know his family so well that he feels like one of our children. Except he's probably quieter and better behaved than some of my children. I wonder if we could work out a trade?
I thought I would try to make the most of the time with Faith and Cannon. I took them to a local splash pad to play in the water and stay cool (and not spend any money!). We put on swim suits and sunscreen. Got our towels and water bottles ready and headed off. I'm feeling like such a nice mommy. It was a bust. I didn't realize Faith and Cannon are HORRIFIED of sprinklers, Splash pad wasn't much fun it you can't stand water falling on you. The area was fenced off, but Cannon kept crawling under the fence to escape. After about 20 minutes we packed up and headed home. I'm just saying I think I should totally get mom credit for attempting to do something fun.
Clark, Bethany and Elinor played a trio of "Love is Spoken Here" in Sacrament meeting today. Clark and Elinor on the piano and Bethany on the violin. They practiced it a ton and were very well prepared. They played it very well. Poor Elinor was pretty nervous as it was her first time playing in church. Afterward she told me her heart was beating really fast. I thought to myself, "I think mine was beating faster!"
Happy Birthday to you and Clark. Clarks party cracked me up. What a perfect thing for him to do! I bet that his friends think you're pretty awesome parents! That is so great that your kids performed in Sac. Meeting! I'm sure they were darling. I'm glad we got to see the "sneak peek" at the reunion!
The kids did a great job today. Oh, by the way, happy belated birthday!
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