At the Cannon family reunion today they had a couple of games for the kiddos. I'm so proud to say that Bethany and Elinor SMEARED the competition in the 3-legged race. They won last year at Abe's summer work party as well. They are the same size and both very coordinated, so they are seriously speedy-- and just a little competitive!

But Clark gets the good sportsmanship award. What a nice brother!

The kids had fun playing volleyball with their 3rd cousins.

Clark found his name on the family tree chart.

Elinor is at that super cute phase when tons of teeth fall out within a couple of months. She's keeping the tooth fairy on her toes. Here's to hoping they all come in straight!

Bethany and Elinor with Great Aunt Mary. She is the cutest, sweetest lady. She is one of my grandpa, Glen Cannon's, sisters. She is also the mother of the new general primary president, Rosemary Wixom.

We went to a wedding reception this evening for a family friend. We snapped this family picture and I have to say, it is shocking to me to see how many people are in this picture! I realize it is my life and I live it everyday, but to see us all together in a picture, it just looks like a lot of people. Abe grew up in a much larger family than I did, so perhaps it is not so shocking to him. That being said, he is having a lot of trouble calling children by their correct names.

The wedding was for the oldest sister of some good friends of Clark's. He had a really fun time hanging out with his friends there.
This was our first family day out and about with little George. It was good, but I'm quite worn out from all the excitement. I'll enjoy my day of rest tomorrow.
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