If a normal picture is worth a thousand words, then this picture is worth at least 10, 000! Before bedtime last night Abe was playing hide and seek with Faith and Cannon. As he would get close to finding them they would scream in anticipation of being found with sheer delight. They were so fun and I loved watching Abe play with them. Dads play with children in such a different way from moms.

Faith got "found" in the pantry!

Ooh, that was a tricky hiding spot! Kind of a scary face there, Faith.
On a side note-- I did go to church today and it was wonderful to be with ward friends and enjoy the good spirit there.
What a cute post, and a fun dad. That first picture is so good, I can almost hear them squealing. Happy memories. I'm glad you could be with your ward family today,and enjoy the good spirit there.
Welcome back to church! It looks like it's always fun at your house. :)
Ah Ha!! I KNEW some family other than ours likes Spam!! We liked it sliced and fried with pancakes and eggs. Whoever says it isn't good is either lying or telling themselves it's gross due to some crazy thing like "health reasons." :)
Cute kiddos!!!!
Darn it, Amy, I was hoping no one would see the can of spam in the pantry!
I could write a whole post about our family's twisted relationship with Spam.
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