Saturday, March 25, 2017

Bethany Goes to Prom

Bethany went to Prom on Friday night.  She looked beautiful and her date, Josh, was a handsome gentleman.  His family used to live in our neighborhood, but they have seminary together and are still good friends.
This was her first "real" date... as in, not doubling with her parents.  She was quite nervous, but said it was much more fun and relaxed than she was expecting.
A neighbor who does hair did Bethany's beautiful up-do.
Another dear friend did gel nails for her, but I forgot to take a picture of them.  They were adorable.
We couldn't help ourselves.  We had this red carpet display up for Faith's birthday party later that evening.  They had to have a picture on the red carpet.
What prom would be complete without a picture under a balloon arch.  Once again, it was up for Faith's party.
Look at her dress.  Isn't it beautiful?  I will now tell you a story about this dress.
It's a rather long story.  It begins about 35 years ago.
This picture was taken at the wedding reception of my Uncle Spencer and Aunt Michelle.  I am the little brunette on the far right.
I remember being completely enamoured by my Aunt Michelle.  And as the pictures show, I was by her side all evening long.
I have always had a special connection with Spencer and Michelle.  Maybe everyone feels that way about them, but I think I do more than most. They were the ones who met Abe and approved of him in my parent's absence (they were living in Rome, Italy at the time).  Uncle Spencer, the cop, noticed Abe's car registration had expired on our date together.
I've always felt they loved me and wanted to talk with me.  I remember Uncle Spencer helping me ask a boy to a dance at BYU by making up and delivering a fake warrant with information about how to get out of trouble with the law... going to the dance with me.  (Like he could have said no to that!).  It was a little harsh, but effective!
I just love them.
So when I got married to Abe, I thought it fitting that their little girl, Kristen, should be my little flower girl.
This June will be twenty years since this picture was taken.
Kristen was so cute!  And it seemed a lovely connection to the past.

What does all this have to do with Bethany's prom dress?  Bethany remembered that Aunt Michelle had mentioned if our girls ever needed a formal dress for a dance, we might be able to borrow one they'd saved from their three daughters.
Sure enough, the first dress Bethany tried on was Kristen's dress from a high school dance.
It fit her like a glove and there was no need to try any others on.
Spencer and Michelle just keep blessing our lives.

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