Thursday, March 16, 2017

Utah Regional 2017

Last weekend was the Utah Regional for FIRST Robotics.  Elinor joined Clark as an intern on the team and it was exciting as always.  It's a long explanation, but their team came in roughly 5th place out of about 50 teams.  Not too shabby, but not what they were hoping for either.
Abe was sad to miss most of the competition because of work, but we crossed paths for a few minutes on Friday morning at the Maverick Center.
Clark had a really fun job as the human player up on the "airship".  The game itself is more complicated than I care to explain, but here is a link that shows what the teams were trying to do.
We enjoyed Aunt Marjorie coming to hang with us for a while.
Grandma and Grandpa came on Saturday as well.  It was a little less crowded in this picture because it was the lunch hour.  We wished the team hadn't gotten knocked out in quarter finals and there was a reason for them to stay longer, but we loved the time we had with them.
We made this red x shirt for Peter our of red duct tape.  We had to take it off Saturday night to wash it and he is still upset about it.  Every day since then he's asked for his X shirt.
We liked Greta's safety glasses.
She did not.
The kids were all pretty good, and Bethany and Faith were very helpful with the youngers, but WOWSERS!  Taking care of Peter and Greta in the stands for two days was exhausting!  We will be heading to Boise for another competition later in the month and I will be so grateful for Abe's help.
Sam, Tanner, and Clark were the "Drive Team".
Cannon and Hayden are robot buddies in the stands.
Elinor has really enjoyed her involvement with the team thus far.  It has been a large time commitment, and I've missed having her around the house.  It's been quite an adjustment for her as well.

So we have a couple weeks to recover and then we'll do it all over again.  And we wouldn't have it any other way!

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