Friday, November 2, 2018

Welcome November

Could she be any more delightful?  No, I don't think so.  To hear her little voice say, "I love you!" is pretty much the best thing I've ever heard.  She sings a sad little "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to herself when she gets put to bed.  She loves nothing more than endless snuggles, reading books, drinks of milk, and sitting on tables and counters.  I've said it before, but she is joy to our family.
I found this... this... uh... creation on the table the other day.  I knew George was involved, but I was completely stumped.  What?  Why?  Why did he tape forks all over a cut-up empty saltine cracker box?  I took this picture because it was just so weird to me.
But then George showed me what it was-- a claw weapon.  And I say it is sheer GENIUS!  This boy has the gift to turn the weirdest, most seemingly useless trash into really cool stuff.  I admit that sometimes I have no idea what is going on in his mind, but sometimes I am totally blown away and I realize his brain works in a way that mine never will.
 The other night Bethany was having a rough time-- as teenage girls tend to do from time to time.  She laid down by me and I brushed and braided her hair for a while and I shed a tear at the thought that she is actually almost grown up and about to go make her way in the world.  Then Elinor wanted in on the mom-talking, hair braiding action.  I don't want them to grow up and leave, so I braided their hair together.  There... that will stop them!
I love how their hair is almost the exact same color-- in this picture at least.  In real life, Bethany's is a little more blonde and Elinor has a little more red.
It wasn't long before Faith found the party and joined in for an official meeting of "The Foxy Ladies".  I'm just going to say it.  I am the luckiest mom in the whole world.
I had a real treat this morning when I went to breakfast with my sister, my parents, and my brother.  Matt was passing through Salt Lake onto his way to a new job in Denver.  It was so enjoyable to be together.
After breakfast Dad and Bev took us to see the school they have dedicated their lives and every spare moment to making a reality.  They have been key players in securing and remodeling a beautiful building in Bountiful for a small private school my dad teaches at.
Aren't they cute?  Older age has been good to them.
We were just missing my brother Chip who had to work.  Luckily Matt got to go to dinner with him the night before.
Bethany partied a little too hard at the recent school dance!  Those are legit bruises from an unfortunate fall, but she assures us her pride was far more wounded than her knees.
Because I have an hour to kill every Thursday afternoon while Cannon and Faith go to a science class in Sandy, I take the three little kids to story time at the library.  It's mostly pretty fun.  Well, Greta loves it anyway.  I suspect that deep down Peter likes it too.  I mean, his behavior would suggest otherwise-- like when he lays down and refuses to do the monster stomp song with the other kids.  Or when the librarian introduced the first story of the day-- Leonardo the Terrible-- and Peter yells out, "Me HATE that book!"  Or when he just plain refuses to participate in anyway except when screaming or growling is involved.  Yeah, good times at library story time.  Shades of Clark.  But anyway, I think he does secretly like it or else he'd throw huge tantrums on the way in.  I think he enjoys being somewhat contrary.  And since he's my 7th child instead of my first, I think on some twisted level I sort of enjoy his behavior as well.  I mean, if I didn't I suppose I would stop taking him.  I would have been mortified with Clark, but I suspect I am humored by Peter.  Getting older isn't all bad.
This little gem arrived by text this afternoon. I love having Clark out on a mission, and I don't really want it any other way.  But I would be lying if I said we didn't miss him like crazy.  Ten months down, fourteen to go!

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