Sunday, May 31, 2020

Three Sisters— One Week—Nine Teeth

A couple weeks back Bethany and Elinor got their wisdom teeth removed.
One week later Faith had oral surgery to extract a deeply impacted 12 year-old molar that was fused to the bone and was never going to come up on it's own.
So between the three sisters, that's 9 teeth, a lot of pain medication, a lot of icepacks, a lot of ice cream, popsicles, and yogurt, and a lot of Netflix.  In happy news, their discomfort was minimal, they had very little, if any, swelling, and no bruising.  It all went as well as we possibly could have hoped for and that is a blessing, indeed.  But you know what was the very best part?  THE AFTER VIDEOS--- awwww yeahhhh!  The girls did not disappoint!!!
Bethany:  Completely loopy!  Hilarious.  No filter.  May or may not regrets sending Marco Polo messages immediately afterwards.  Did an Instagram live feed of herself for 15 minutes.
Elinor:  Stoic.  "I may look back, but at least I have my wits about me."  Disgusted with Bethany's inability to pull herself together.  Confident she could immediately compete in a speech and debate tournament.
Faith:  Emotional.  Full-on tears for 1 hours.  Negative.  Complaining.  Name-calling.  Mean.
  Elinor trying to explain that she is "FINE!"
Here are Faith's videos:

Elinor's videos:

Bethany's Video

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