Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mothers Day 2020

Mothers Day 2020 was simple and lovely.  I mean, the Covid 19 pandemic was getting a little old, but another Sabbath day at home with my family was a wonderful thing.  I love this picture of my children and me.  My cup runneth over.  I don't want to be obnoxious or bragging-- sorry it may come off that way-- I just can't believe Abe and I have been blessed with so many beautiful children.  They are our joy and our treasure.  It is exhausting and energizing at the same time.
George helped Abe plant the annual "Mother's Day Marigolds".  Aren't they lovely!
Greta picked me flowers (weeds) from the backyard.  It was so sweet and I gratefully accepted the offering-- despite the massive allergies I was suffering.  I figure that's pretty much the love of a mother in a nutshell:)
She still likes to pretend she is a kitty, so this was her "Kitty Throne".  We use the word "kitty" as an adjective to describe anything and everything.  We "meow" at each other a lot.  When we sing hymns in our home church she meows instead of words.
Snake brothers
Maybe my all-time favorite picture of Peter and Greta.  For all of Peter's intensity and force of will, he is incredibly kind and attentive to Greta.  On this day he was training her in the ways of snakes and Jedis.
They are holding a snake, which is sort of gross, but so cute anyway.
A couple days later Abe had the day off so we went to Thanksgiving Point Gardens to see what was left of the tulips.  Bethany and Elinor both had work, so we missed them, but we were so happy to have Clark and his girlfriend, Alexa join us-- we quite like her!

Nice rolling form, Faith!
Aww... they're so cute.
My girl!
Early on Peter was running down a path and he took a tumble and got banged up a bit.  On the way back up to the entrance he reenacted his downfall.  Very dramatic.
We've had a problem lately with Greta leaving our house without permission.  She knows several neighbors and sees her older sibling moving around with more freedom.  This is problem.  This was a few days ago when she escaped and our neighbor gave her a lift home.  Heaven help us!
George finished reading the first Harry Potter book.  This was the longest book he's read on his own and he was pretty pleased with himself!  We were proud of him too:)
Faith was playing hospital with Greta.  
It was almost a little too realistic-- Faith tried to conjure of memories for Greta of when she was in the hospital for surgery a little over a year ago.  I particularly liked the ear buds being used as oxygen tubes.  Greta was fully committed to the role of patient.  

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