Wednesday, July 15, 2020

In Which Abe and I Take A Lot of Selfies

Abe and I belatedly celebrated out 23rd anniversary with a trip to West Yellowstone.  Our dear Raven was starring in three plays at the Playmill theater there, so of course we had to go see her.
Let's start with a picture that was near the end of the trip, but I love it, so it goes first.  We had a lovely time going to the plays and dining together.  Good friends are a treasure. 
One of the fun things we got to help with was assembling 35 grab-and-go lunches for the cast and crew at the play house.  They have a very brief time to eat before getting ready for the next show and parents sign up to provide those lunches on Saturdays.   Mission accomplished!
You know Abe is a picture taker.  And in his absence I do an okay job of remembering to take pictures as well.  And in the absence of our children, we didn't have many subjects to take pictures of (without being creepy).  The result is an awful lot of selfies of the two of us around Yellowstone.  I agree that  1 or 2 selfies of us would more than suffice to prove we were there and to effectively conjure of pleasant memories in a time henceforth--- and yet, I will share THEM ALL!!!!!  Because I CAN!  And I figure if I can't be obnoxious on my own blog, where can I be?

Corona Style
Grand Prismatic Spring
Old Faithful.  One time our family went to see Old Faithful and we had just barely missed it and we waiting for well over an hour for it to go off.  Then we cheered over-the-top loudly (think Buddy the Elf)  and offended a lot of foreigners who did not appreciate our theatrics on their cell phone videos of this iconic American landmark.  Were we ashamed of ourselves?  Yes, a little. 
This time we pulled into the parking lot, saw by the numbers of people that it was almost time, parked illegally, walked over, waited less than a minute, saw it go, hustled back to the car and were in and out of the whole area in about six minutes.  Awwww, yeah! 
This isn't even all the selfies, but this will have to do.  So while we were playing and having a marvelous time, our big kiddos were home taking care of our little kiddos.  And from all reports, things went very well and they had a marvelous time.

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