Saturday, July 18, 2020

UniKitty Turns Four

Our little Greta turned 4 this week!!  One of her nicknames is UniKitty-- a character from The Lego Movie
Here is how UniKitty is described on the Lego Website:
Hailing from Cloud Cuckoo Land, the capital of rainbows and puppies, she is half unicorn, half anime kitten and one endless dance party.
She is the happiest, most cheerful, loving child I have ever known-- she is sunshine and unicorns and rainbows.  She is entirely beloved by everyone in the family.  So when I informed the boys that we were going to have a fancy family tea party to celebrate her birthday and they would need to wear their very fanciest clothes... they were ALL IN!
This birthday celebration will likely go down as one of my very favorite family memories ever.  I was so much fun and Greta was beyond thrilled with the activity and the attention.
We set up the tent and table in the backyard and got our my grandmother's fancy tea cup collection.  
So glad Cannon insisted on holding our regal cat in the pictures.  I ADORE this picture.
Here is a little miracle of the day-- Stephanie Chase, not knowing what our fancy occasion was, brought over this Twix cake masterpiece.  She wanted to make it, but didn't want to eat it.  Okay!  Twist our arms-- we'll eat it!  But seriously, it was beautiful and delicious and made the perfect centerpiece of our table.
I recognize that this wasn't a "real" English tea party-- no scones, no cucumber sandwiches.  Actually our party food consisted of only sugar, sugar, and more sugar.  But there were no complaints from the little people.

Bethany curled Greta's hair for her.

When Abe came downstairs in his gloves and cravat there was much cheering and clapping throughout the family.  And we all spoke in terrible English accents.

Happiest of birthdays to this happy, loving, joyful child.  We love you, Greta!

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