Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Italian Dinner, Proms, and a Graduation


The youth of our ward (and their trusty leaders) put on a smash Italian dinner and service auction for a summer camp fundraiser.  It was a good time with a lot fo good food.

Could they be any cuter?
The mustaches were an afterthought, but they proved to be the hit of the evening.  Mustaches for everyone next year!
I wish it was a clearer picture, but Faith had a fabulous time being a helper at Special Needs Mutual this past semester.  Sam is in our ward and everyone loves him!
My favorite of Faith's prom pictures.  She went to the Lehi High School prom with a guy from her swim team.  They had a marvelous time.
How lovely
The dance was up at the Utah Capitol.
They traveled in style-- limousine style.  
I'm glad she had such a fun time.
Who'd have guessed Faith would be our first child to don a cap and gown and have a formal graduation.  Oo-de-lally, how exciting!  Except that it was a graduation from the CNA course through Mountainland Technical College-- a one-semester class.  So to be honest, I think the full cap and gown and full-on graduation ceremony was a little overkill.  I mean, I'm very pleased that Faith completed the class, and did very, very well, but still.  Oh well, congrats to the graduate!
Her bestie, Anya came to support her.  That was a serious show of friendship because it was a long ceremony.
This paintball helmet was George's brainchild and final project for his MakerSpace class at Thanksgiving Point this past school year.  I love how George envisions things and then brings them to life.  He's a seriously cool kid.

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