Monday, December 27, 2021

Bits and Pieces of Life


Fake eyelashes also serve as an excellent Hitler mustache and unibrow.  Haha!  Okay, listen.  I have been remiss in blogging for the last month and a half.  This is by far the longest I've ever gone without blogging-- and at a time of year when so much is happening.  So the next few posts may just be catching up, but as always, done is better than perfect.  So here are a few bits and pieces of the last couple of months.  Here we go!

The youth did a great missionary training activity.  Faith was companions with McKenzie
Cannon was with Joey and Jake.  Abe and I taught one of the mini classes about missionary manners.
We don't have a large youth group, but they are wonderful and I am especially thankful for the wonderful leaders who foster relationships with them and give so much of their time to providing opportunities for learning and fun.
Greta was tickled pink with the Christmas tree at her dance studio.
This was a fun post on the Riverton High School swim team reminding the team about an upcoming meet back in November.  It's Faith swimming the butterfly.
My favorite kind of evening out-- Mousetrap at Hale Center Theater.
One of those little moments that made me smile--my piano student, Kate, came to piano lessons with her knife in her back pocket.  You never know when you'll need protection at piano.
Abe went with Faith to an early Saturday morning swim meet.  His job was to be a timer.  Her job was to swim fast.
Led by George, the kids built a tree fort.  That doesn't look dangerous at all.
Bethany, Elinor and I went to the Miss Herriman Scholarship competition.  We have a pretty good time together.
Our sweet back neighbor, Mikayla, left on her mission to Cananda.  Such a beautiful farewell talk from such a beautiful person.  What a joy to see these ladies grow up.
Abe took the kiddos to hike the Y.
Jesse and Amy's family were in town for Thanksgiving, so there was a good size group of them who went.
Abe, Jesse, and Stuart
Nice view
Faith did the boys' hair.  
It was a labor of love.
Look at me doing a home improvement project!  I painted the kitchen cabinets.  Don't look too close-- I'm not terribly detail-oriented.  But I do consider it a marked improvement and I'm very happy with how they turned out.
It was the day before Thanksgiving, but we had the time and we decided to put up the tree a little early.
I love this picture.  Cannon LOVES the cat.  The cat is not impressed.
Let the snowflake wall begin!
Welcoming in the Christmas season with Santa hats, snowflakes, and corndogs for lunch.

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