Monday, December 27, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

The extended Fox clan attempted some football the morning of Thanksgiving.  There was a good turnout, but organized sports aren't really their thing, so I'm not sure how much actual football was played.  No matter-- they had fun.  Fun is their thing.

I adore this picture of Peter-- so very Charlie Brown-- except it's not Lucy pulling it away.
What a beautiful day with the blue sky.

Just a smattering of the many Fox cousins.
While they played football, this was my work!  Are they not a beautiful sight to behold?  I quite enjoyed myself.
Stuart and Tiffany were so good to host so many of us for the feast.  
Bethany and Lindsey and Lauren
Elinor and Annie
I've always thought Elinor and Everett look so similar.
The young adults/ young married table.
Tiffany really does a fabulous job of hosting and making things nice for everyone.
The musicians
Five of the seven brothers.

This picture was taken a couple days after thanksgiving at cousin Henry's baptism up in Centerville,  But this picture of little Charlie-- he is the yummiest baby I think I've ever seen!
Putting together the Christmas treat boxes for my piano students.
Corrine returned home from her mission just before Thanksgiving and the following Sunday was her homecoming.  So good to see the robotics kids together again.
A little Heroscape with the Shaw boys.
We recently got Jack Box Games-- so much fun.  However, not surprisingly, things deteriorated rather quickly.
They were highly amused.

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