Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Piano Recital 2021


The Christmas Recital is definitely one of the highlights of the Christmas season for our family.  So many of my piano students' families are family, dear friends, and neighbors.  The kids work hard on their pieces and it's just fun to listen to kids play Christmas music.

Greta and I played a duet of "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy". Listen HERE
Peter and I played a duet of "Up on the Housetop". Listen HERE
George played "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town". Listen HERE
Cannon played "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year".  Listen HERE.  I like Peter's commentary after Cannon announces his piece.
Faith played "Sleigh Ride". Listen HERE

Bethany and Jakob Schramm played "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel".  They played this musical number in Bethany's ward up in Logan a few weeks back.  I love it so much.  Listen HERE
I count myself very fortunate to have work to do that I enjoy so much.
A few months ago I started teaching my nieces and nephew and it's been so enjoyable to get to know them better. I think this is the cutest family picture.
Bethany and her YPM friend, Dallin, played for us while we cleaned up the room when the recital was all done.  It was so good-- we should have put them on the program!
And of course, the evening ended with the traditional celebratory trip to Arctic Circle for ice cream.  A successful night all the way around!

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