Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunday, January 16, 2022


I will miss a lot of things when Bethany leaves in her mission for 18 months, but I think the one thing I will miss most is the music Bethany and her friends bring into the house.  When YPMs are around, there is always a lot of music.  Really, really good music.  

Family Riverdance while Bethany fiddles--- it never gets old.
We have a cat with a problem.  Faith bought this kitten off of KSL about a month ago.  What we didn't know when she got it was that it had NO TAIL.  Now, this isn't necessarily a problem-- kind of weird, but not necessarily a problem.  Except that sometimes cats with no tails (Manx cats) have bowel problems and cannot control their pooping.  Sorry, I didn't know how else to say that.  Faith has built an enclosure for this kitten and we hoped the problem would resolve.  One month later, no such luck.  I like how resourceful George was in creating a cat diaper.  It worked well, but it's not a long-term solution.  Adorable as he is, this kitten's days in our home are likely numbered.  It's not that I don't like animals, but I have successfully potty trained eight children-- I am not going to deal with a poopy cat at this point in my life.  I hope we can still be friends.
Peter and his best buddy, Eric, got whoopie cushions as a party favor from a birthday party they went to on Saturday morning.  Seven-year-olds and whoopie cushions are a pretty funny combination.  
This post has really taken a turn toward potty humor.  Sorry about that.
Elinor bought Greta clip-on fox earrings.  Greta was overcome with joy!  She named one of the earrings "Foxy" and the other "Roxy".
In fact, she loved them so much that when we went ice skating, she wore her hat high up on her head so it wouldn't cover her earrings:)
Last weekend several of us were finishing up our time of COVID (I do not recommend!) While we were homebound we watched all of the U.S. Nationals for ice skating.  We are fans because... you know...THE OLYMPICS!!!!  They are almost here again-- HAPPY DAY!  George was intrigued and really wanted to go ice skating, so this past Saturday we went. 
Not surprisingly, George was even better than we expected he'd be.  He's quite a coordinated little lad.  
Faith holds her own and Greta did really well for her first time.  I think she expected she'd be able to do more tricks like they did on TV.  How disappointing:)
We were so proud of Peter, who, at first was pretty frustrated with how hard it was.  But he didn't give up, rather he just kept trying, and eventually, he could skate without any help. 

I quite enjoyed myself and would like to go again soon.  
I loved seeing Bethany with Rachel and Kara at Matthew's wedding reception last night.   Oh, the hours these three spent playing together in their childhoods.  
Last, but definitely not least, today was George's first day as a Deacon passing the Sacrament.  He did so well and we are so proud of him.  Hard to believe he is this old already. This was Cannon's first week helping prepare the Sacrament, but he also passed because George is the only Deacon that comes to church in our ward.  I am so grateful for Abe and his example in leading his sons in their Priesthood duties.  

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