Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Magic House

I dedicate this post to our blue house that sits on the corner. (Don't worry, we're not going anywhere).  It is about 2300 total square feet, with roughly 1800 of that finished living space.   We've been in this house since July of 2007.  Cannon, George, Peter, and Greta were all born during our time here.  

I feel so grateful for this house and the comfort it's provided for our family.  For years I have called it the Magic House because it becomes whatever we need it to be.  A Room of Requirement (Harry Potter), if you will.  As our family has grown over the years and our needs have changed, this house never fails to adapt.  We've acquired and discarded furniture.  We've done a bit (a small bit) of remodeling.  We've had many combinations of sibling roommates and bunk beds are how we make them fit.  Because our space is limited, regular "purging" the home of no longer needed items is a way of life.  

The magic house serves so many roles.  It's been fun to think back over the years to how we've made use of the space we have.  

A ping-pong tournament
A gymnasium
A barbershop (the mullet was temporary:)
A dance hall
A music studio
A recording studio
An IT department/ podcasting studio
A gaming club
A concert hall

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